Video Marketing

Reach your target audience with videos.

Video SEO statistics

We’ve had great success driving customers using video marketing. Are you doing it too? If not, these statistics might surprise you.

  1. Video is the #1 form of media used in content strategy, overtaking blogs and infographics. (HubSpot)
  2. The number of comments, view count, number of shares, and number of likes had a strong correlation with higher YouTube rankings. (Backlinko)
  3. 68.2% of first-page YouTube results are HD videos. (Backlinko)
  4. The average length of a first-page YouTube video is 14 minutes, 50 seconds. (Backlinko)

99% of marketers using video will continue to do so in 2020 On top of this, 95% of these marketers expect to increase or maintain their current spending on video marketing. In terms of those marketers who aren’t currently using videos, 59% expect to start doing so this year.

We can create a video for your business and rank it on Google first page in 48 hours or less guaranteed!

Send us a message to learn more about this offer!