To boost your open rates, email marketing is a must. To create an appealing email, focus on adding a sense of urgency to your subject line and putting your product in the spotlight. For example, you could offer 10% off a product if a customer abandoned their cart, or free shipping if they’d purchased something at a competitor’s store. Try adding humor to your subject line, too! Whether it’s funny GIFs or a real story, humor can make your email stand out from the competition.
Rip Curl is an Australian surfing sportswear retailer. It uses email marketing to boost sales by incorporating the psychological need to belong to something bigger than oneself. The message is powerful because it makes a consumer feel like they are part of a revolution. Whether you sell surfboards or surf boards, people love to feel like a part of something bigger than themselves. If you’re unsure about what to include in your email, here are a few examples.
Email templates can be used for a variety of different purposes, from sending a weekly newsletter to previewing longer articles. They can even be used to promote an event, whether it’s online or off. By using email templates and combining them with the right content, you can promote the event without having to create a separate website for it. Another way to keep your emails relevant is to tap into your reader’s emotions. Use statistics from the online world to help make them more likely to open them.
Adding bonuses to your emails can help improve your customers’ perception of your brand and products. These incentives are often eye-catching and increase the chances of your subscribers sharing your content on social media. Avoid writing generic emails and address them by name. A good subject line will attract readers’ attention, but an email with a generic subject line will turn them off. Instead, write down the main characteristics of your audience: their schedule, their interests, and their sensibilities. As you continue to develop your email templates, keep your audience in mind. Make your content short and concise. Don’t forget to use attractive images.
Using email campaigns can revolutionize your marketing strategy. Today, many brands use email campaigns to boost sales and traffic. Use an email subject line that stands out in the inbox and gives your subscribers something to look forward to. For example, you could provide a discount code exclusive to your subscribers, or preview a website’s content on your email subject line. Email subject lines can be helpful in increasing your open rate, so make sure to put some thought into your subject line.
Segmenting your list can also boost your open and click-through rates. Remember that your emails to new leads should be different from those to your most loyal customers. This is because your email subscribers are not at the same stage in your buying cycle. Moreover, the email messages sent to loyal customers are more likely to be opened and read by the latter. Make sure to segment your list for optimal results. By following these email marketing examples, you’ll be on your way to boosting your open and click-through rates.
An excellent example of an email campaign is that from the Three Sheep and a Mill company. Their email campaign uses a combination of high-quality images and informative descriptions. It shows that the company understands the interests of its subscribers and knows how to tailor the emails to these. It is important to note that the content in the email is mostly images, since this gives the subscribers a chance to see your products up-close and personal.
A compelling email will encourage subscribers to take action. Starbucks uses color to capture the attention of email subscribers by highlighting its signature green. In addition to its color scheme, the email features visuals and uses stylish colors. This helps the CTA button stand out and boost click-through rates. And while Starbucks may be known for its coffee, a slew of other brands have used similar strategies. Similarly, you should look for email marketing examples that have a great design.
Another great email campaign is the one by Book Riot. It lists upcoming events in a clear order, and it features a nice CTA button. The content is easy to understand and doesn’t have to be long. Klarna’s welcome message is a simple yet effective way to advertise your offer. Whether you’re looking for an ebook, a movie or a holiday, they’re sure to capture your subscribers’ attention and encourage them to buy.