Top 5 Email Marketing Services

Email marketing services

Email marketing is an effective way to raise brand awareness, encourage sales and build relationships with your audience. It’s cost-effective and straightforward for businesses to generate leads and improve customer retention.

Email subscribers have several types of emails they can receive, such as informational newsletters, promotional ones and transactional ones. Testing your campaigns is essential in order to optimize their performance and prevent spam complaints.


Moosend is an email marketing service that assists businesses in creating, sending, and tracking their campaigns. Its features include a drag-and-drop builder, email templates, automation, analytics capabilities, as well as cloud hosting options.

If you’re a small business, eCommerce retailer or brand, Moosend is an ideal solution for all your email marketing requirements. Its segmentation features enable you to target specific groups of contacts based on demographics, behavior and more; plus filter contacts by links they clicked as well as products viewed or purchased.

Easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor makes creating email newsletters a breeze. You can add content types like text, videos, images and social media icons with ease; plus you can build conditional blocks that automatically adjust contents based on collected information.

eCommerce retailers will find that Moosend provides pre-made blocks that allow you to pull product listings from your website into emails. Plus, sync your site with Moosend for detailed subscriber journey tracking – including sales generated from each campaign!

You can create transactional emails, which are automated messages sent when a customer makes a purchase on your website. These messages alert and convert potential buyers.

Moosend’s email marketing features are tailored to help you manage and segment your email lists based on behaviors, and create effective strategies for your business. Its features include a drag-and-drop email editor, automations, as well as integrations with 42 third-party apps.

Pricing tiers include a free plan, paid plans that start at $10 per month and an enterprise option. You can select which plan best fits your needs based on how many subscribers and contacts you have. Plus, the company provides credits which can be used for sending out an established number of emails.


ActiveCampaign is an email marketing service that offers plenty of features at a reasonable cost. It has tools for creating campaigns, sending email newsletters and even tracking leads. Plus, its wide selection of templates and visual automation maps make it suitable for both beginner and more experienced users alike.

It’s an effective tool that will take your marketing to the next level, helping you maximize conversion rates and sales with smart follow up sequences and triggered emails. Its email automation workflow builder utilizes drag-and-drop blocks for highly personalized messages that keep customers engaged.

Conditional content allows you to display customized content based on certain conditions, such as interests or links clicked in previous email campaigns. Furthermore, automate a series of triggered emails that are sent out when a contact takes an action such as signing up for your list or downloading a whitepaper.

ActiveCampaign’s automation map offers a unique feature: it lets you connect all of your automated journeys together on one map for an extensive overview. Most other services we tested offer some sort of visual mapping feature, but ActiveCampaign stands out by offering multiple journeys on one map that are connected to each other for comprehensive insight.

Marketers looking to leverage their website as a sales funnel will find this feature especially helpful, since it allows them to identify which products are popular with contacts. From there, marketers can craft more tailored email campaigns that directly relate to the products and information visitors are searching for on your site.

ActiveCampaign’s site tracking feature is another useful benefit, tracking every click, login or view on your website. With this data you can create more targeted email marketing campaigns and retargeting with Facebook custom audiences that speak directly to your audience’s needs.


iContact is an excellent email marketing service with plenty of features that make it user-friendly and understandable. Furthermore, its reporting tools enable you to monitor your list’s growth, unsubscribe clicks, and other important metrics.

One of the key advantages of iContact is its automatic follow-up messages feature, which can help keep customers engaged with your brand and boost sales. You have complete control over these messages to tailor them according to each contact’s individual needs and preferences.

With iContact, you can add custom fields to your signup forms in order to gather additional information about subscribers. This data helps segment lists and send personalized emails. With over 700 templates available to choose from, creating customized email campaigns has never been simpler!

Another major advantage of iContact is the capability to create automated emails, which can be sent out at predetermined intervals. This feature can be beneficial for initiating certain events or offering your subscribers an exclusive offer on their birthday.

iContact’s email marketing service also features extensive list management and spam management tools to help you expand your list, eliminate duplicates, and guarantee that email messages reach the right recipients at the right time.

In addition, iContact provides an array of templates for creating email newsletters, triggered messages and other types of communications. You can even design a custom landing page to promote your product or service.

iContact is an ideal option for small businesses in need of a reliable email marketing service. Its ease of use makes it ideal even for novice users and inexperienced marketers, while its extensive support options ensure answers when you need them most.

iContact offers an advanced version of their service called Premier, designed for larger organizations. This plan includes a strategic advisor who will collaborate with you to create customized email templates and reports tailored to your business’ individual requirements. Pricing for the Premier plan is based on how many contacts and emails you want to send each month.


Email marketing is a vital tool that can assist your business in its expansion. It allows you to reach potential customers with tailored messages and offers, improve customer engagement, boost sales, and foster loyalty among your brand’s supporters. Email marketing also plays an integral role in digital advertising initiatives.

Campaigner is a cloud-based platform that enables you to craft and send highly personalized one-to-one email communications with your subscribers and customers. Plus, it lets you track and optimize your campaigns for improved success.

The drag-and-drop email editor of this platform provides over 900 templates that are responsive and can be tailored to match your company’s brand. Furthermore, it features a media library for creating engaging and effective emails.

Autoresponders allow you to personalize your emails for important milestones, like birthdays or anniversaries, so recipients feel appreciated and engaged. This feature is especially helpful for large businesses with extensive contact lists.

Another useful feature is A/B split testing, which lets you compare multiple versions of your emails against each other to see which performs best. You can use this capability to experiment with different subject lines, designs, calls to action and other aspects of your message before determining which performs best.

Automating workflows also allows you to set up triggers that will send automated email messages based on certain actions your customers take on your website, such as buying a product, requesting more information or signing up for an offer.

Your staff can automate these workflows to guarantee you never miss an opportunity to communicate with customers in an effective way. Utilizing these tools may result in up to six times more conversions and sales for your business.

Campaigner offers email automation as well as features tailored for eCommerce stores, such as an integration between your online store and CRM system. This enables you to sync purchase and inventory data to craft personalized email messages that encourages engagement and increases website conversions.

The system’s integrations make it simple for you to collect leads from your website and send them targeted emails with offers and products they’ll love. Furthermore, it has features that enable you to create forms for prospects to fill out, such as pop-ups and subscription boxes.